Golf Group Manager is intended to be a self-managed website at a price point which does not allow for individual customer support. The Troubleshooting section is to assist users to find solutions to situations that may arise.


  • Draw Emails not Reaching all Members
    Some Groups have different DrawMasters that send out the Draw each week. On occasion, these emails are not received by some members, i.e. they are blocked by their ISP or email program. It appear...
  • How to add Golf Group Manager to a Whitelist
    Steps to help you receive emails Originally taken from the great writeup from If you do not see an email from Golf Group Manager in your Inbo...
  • Microsoft check list for troubleshooting missing emails
    This is quite a generic request which could have a complex background but there are some easy things you could try and check without needing to contact your ISP or email administrator. If you stil...
  • Tablet/iPad - Missing Message Box
    Those that experience a problem with a missing message box while using a tablet such as iPad, can resolve the problem by using Google Chrome as their web browser. While in your Golf Group Manag...